The first written record about village Malá Chocholná dates back to the year 1396 written as Kys Chocholná. Further written documents about the village comes from years 1422 (Hoholná), 1470 (Kokholná), 1598 (Kys Kocholná) and from 1773 (Malá Chocholná, hung. Kischocholna, Kistarajos).
The village was in the ownership of the squire families, namely Zamarócy, Velčický and Rakolubský. The inhabitants engaged in agriculture and cartage. According to records from literature number of houses and inhabitants was as follows:
This village was independent up to the year 1943 and settled already in the Early Bronze Age which is testified by the settlement and burnt-burial place of the Lusatian culture of that time. Indirectly the village is mentioned in written record as early as 1396, directly in 1481 as Naghoholna. Further written records about the village date back to years 1508 (Nadhoholna), 1598 (Nagy Kocholna) and 1772 (Welka Chocholna, hung. Nagychocholna, Nagytarajoš).
Veľká Chocholná belonged to landowners’ families. Inhabitants worked in the fields and forests. According to records the state of houses and inhabitants was as follows:
The first written record about the village Velčice dates back to 1345, written as Welchycz. Further written records about the village are from years 1380 (Welczecz), 1409 (Wilczicz), 1462 (Welchycz), 1773 (Welczicze, hung. Velcsic, Velcsoc). Velčice belonged to squire families namely Velčický, Slamka and Ambrovec. The inhabitants were engaged in agriculture. According to written records the state of houses and inhabitants of the village was as follows:
The abundance of wood and cheep water energy made possible the foundation of paper mill (in the year 1826 in Velčice, in the first half of 19th century in Veľká Chocholná). At the end of 19th century distilleries were in operation in Malá and Veľká Chocholná.
The greatest industrial development was achieved especially in Malá Chocholná at the turn of the 19th and 20th century. At that time the factory for production and processing of veneer was founded in the village. Products were exported even to overseas countries. Felix Kohn was the founder of the factory which influenced the social life of the whole village. The employees of the factory started with physical training activities in Sokol, during two years (1925-1927) gymnasium (Sokolovňa) was built from the means of factory and collections of inhabitants. In the year 1907 the local organization of Social democratic party was established by the employees of the factory and in 1919 The Food club came into being. The belfry in Malá Chocholná announced the workers the beginning and the end of a working day.
The memorial tablet to Ján Križan who participated in historical revolt of Kragujevac reminds us of the WW I. The monument in the centre of the village reminds all inhabitants of the village the victims of the WW II as well as heavy fights for the village in April 1945.
In the centre of the village on the old cemetery there is a belfry of a tower type, built in the first half of the19th century in the classical style of architecture.
The significant development of the village can be noticed after the end of the WW II, especially from the sixtieth years on. Several buildings of universal importance were built in the village, namely the house of culture, nursery school, the building of Jednota, two grocery shops, the fire station, the basic school reconstruction, buildings of shareholders cooperative farm and the roads, too.